Thursday, September 16, 2010

Need to Know on

Home Remedies for Seasonal Appetite Disorder
by Lily Bellow

Change is in the air: after two months of a solitary Om echoing off the walls of my yoga studio, my morning classes are now packed; excitable children line up outside my apartment building every morning for the bus; and a newly christened jar of cinnamon sits proudly on the shelf of my very own kitchen. Fall is here… almost. What do you call this in-between season when you’re packing a sweater to work, but still wearing summer sandals? More importantly, what do you eat when it’s not quite lasagna season, but the idea of a salad for dinner starts to seem like a sad joke?

For some input on how to make this transition easier, I turned to my friends Phoebe and Cara who run a food blog called Big Girls Small Kitchen. Their advice for Seasonal Appetite Disorder-sufferers, like myself, is to savor the last, bright flavors of summer in the context of heartier, more filling recipes. Their summer chicken stew recipe, below, is just the thing for easy and delicious shoulder-season dining.

Read the full article, here.