Monday, May 11, 2009


From Shine, Yahoo's Women's Magazine:

As a 28-year-old woman who has lived in tiny apartments in New York City for the past 10 years, cooking is something I don’t do regularly. I know, it’s a shame. Both my parents are wonderful cooks, and after several generations of bustling kitchens serving up delicious meals, I’m sad to say my stove is rarely turned on even once a month. But I swear, it’s not my fault—I have a small kitchen! Well, a new blog has eradicated that problem, so I guess I’ll have to hit up the supermarket and get cooking.

Big Girls, Small Kitchen: A Guide to Quarter-Life Cooking offers up simple recipes women with little culinary experience can perfect even in a teeny studio apartment. Whether making a snack for one, a romantic dinner for your man, or a dinner party for 10 (where will they eat? On my bed?), this blog shares fun and easy entertaining tips along with favorite family recipes you and your friends will love. From vegetarian pasta carbonara to pretzel-toffee chocolate bark, each recipe looks yummier than the next! The best part: The ingredients aren’t anything too intimidating or expensive. Because lets face it, if we had the money to cough up for kobe beef, truffles and caviar, we wouldn’t be cramped into these little kitchens in the first place.

Kudos to the self-proclaimed Quarter-Life Cooks, Phoebe and Cara, for accommodating a huge niche of ladies my age who want, but are too scared/lazy/frustrated to cook, and instead spend half their salaries ordering in. I think I’ll try making the chickpea burgers tonight!