Saturday, December 12, 2009

Woman Around Town

Big Dreams For The Girls Behind “Big Girls, Small Kitchens”
by Alexa Wagman

...Enter Phoebe Lapine and Cara Eisenpress: these twenty-four and twenty-five year old girls are the Ivy League brains behind “Big Girls, Small Kitchens,” a food and recipe guide geared towards twenty-something cooks on the lookout for user-friendly, affordable ways to navigate their kitchens. However, the blog, which highlights their cooking adventures alongside anecdotal stories, is applicable to women (and men) of all ages, in kitchens big and small. Phoebe and Cara sample recipes both old and new, all while trying not to burn down their New York City rental apartments....

I took their advice and invited a few friends over. I have to say, I was rather impressed with myself. Though no competition for the participants on Top Chef, I do pride myself on knowing my way around a kitchen as well I do my way around a Theory sample sale. The corn cakes were perfectly satisfying, and easy to make given you can make the batter a day ahead. The avocado and radish crostinis were a nice crunchy change from the mundane hummus and pita typically served at my parties. The entire menu was easy to make and clean up. Now, if only I could find a way to turn one of my hobbies into a job. For now, I think I’ll console myself with a slice of chocolate chip banana bread.

For the complete article, click here.